Review Policies


Conference Themes and Review Policies

The TMIC2022 conference organizing committee invites members of the international geotechnical Civil\Mining communities to contribute recent research, developments and advancements in their respective fields of interest and practice. The technical program of the conference will cover a wide range of topics that can be found below:

  • Pit/Civil/Natural Slopes
  • Geohazards
  • Instrumentation/Monitoring
  • Case Histories
  • Numerical Modelling
  • Deep foundation
  • Machine Learning
  • Hydrogeology
  • Waste Dumps
  • New Technology Implementation
  • Transition from Open Pit to Underground
  • Rock Mass Characterization and Data Uncertainty
  • Rockfall

Authors are invited to submit abstracts of a maximum of 300 words by June 1st, 2022 through the Online Submission page of the conference website.

The TMIC2022 Technical Committee will review all abstracts for clarity, technical merit and relevance to the conference. Our goal is to inform corresponding authors of their abstract’s acceptance by June 15th, 2022. The deadline for submitting the initial version of the papers will be on August 1st 2022. In cases where the reviewing team feels revisions are necessary, online comments will be provided with revised papers being due by September 15th.

All accepted papers, for which at least one author has registered for the conference, will appear in the published proceedings of the conference – each registrant will receive a digital version as part of their delegate registration.

To help authors ensure their paper meets the conference’s presentation requirements, a Technical Paper Template/Guideline will be shared with the authors. All authors must use this template and follow the guidelines to help ensure presentation uniformity in the conference proceedings – submissions that do not follow the prescribed formatting guidelines will be returned. Please take particular note of the abstract word count and page limits.

Final decisions regarding the presentation format and assigned session for approved papers will rest with the Technical Committee.

The corresponding authors of the accepted papers must submit their pre-recorded videos of their presentation by November 1st 2022. For the final presentation at the conference live presentation or using the pre-recorded video will be optional. 

If you have any questions about the program please reach out to us at – thank you!